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Car accident compensation for pain and suffering

How is pain and suffering calculated in a car accident claim?

Some insurers and personal injury attorneys use a daily rate to calculate the pain and suffering aspect of an injury claim. Under a daily rate or "per diem" calculation, an amount of money is assigned to each day (or week) that you continue to suffer from the effects of your car accident.

How much should I charge for pain relief after a car accident?

For three months after the accident you saw a physician regularly and took daily pain medication. After about three months, the pain eased and you were able to resume normal activities again. You might assign a daily value of $200.

How are pain and suffering damages valued?

This is arguably the most common method used to value pain and suffering damages. Your attorney might use your medical bills, lost wages, or both as a basis for the valuation.

Car accident compensation nsw

Car accident compensation qld

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