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Car accident injury claim alberta

How much can I claim for a car accident in Alberta?

In Alberta, the law allows for the following entitlements: You can claim 70% of your gross income. However, this is capped at a maximum of $400 a week. You can claim healthcare and medical expenses that are a direct result of your motor vehicle accident.

How does the personal injury claim process work in Alberta?

If you’ve suffered injuries in an accident at no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and more. Here’s a look at the personal injury claim process in Alberta. Following any injury, you should seek medical care.

Do I qualify for Alberta’s vehicle accident compensation program?

Not every vehicle accident will qualify for damage claim payment under this program. The victim must be an Alberta resident. Injuries must’ve been caused by a motor vehicle accident. The accident must be the fault of another person and not the victim and have happened in Alberta and the at fault driver must be uninsured.

Car accident injury claim calculator

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Car accident injury claim payouts