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Car accident not at fault no insurance

What happens if I'm at fault in a car accident without insurance?

If you are at fault and only have compulsory third party insurance, you will have to pay for the damage out of pocket. So, what should you do if you've been in a car accident with no insurance?

Can you sue someone for a car accident without insurance?

In at-fault states, you typically have no limits on your right to sue, whether you have insurance or not. Almost all states require drivers to carry car insurance. Without insurance, everyone would be suing each other all the time for even minor fender bender cases, and courts would likely be overrun with car accident claims.

What happens if the other driver does not have insurance?

If you do not pay, you can be taken to court. If the other driver also has no insurance, you can be also be sued. I've been in an accident. What do I do? If you've been involved in an incident on the road, you need to remain calm and protect yourself first and foremost.

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