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Car accident pain and suffering amount

How to calculate pain and suffering in a car accident case?

How to Calculate Pain and Suffering in a Car Accident Case 1 Using a Multiplier. One common method of estimating the unknown is to multiply the known -- the out-of-pocket expenses for medical bills and lost income -- times an arbitrary multiple. 2 The "Per Diem" Method. 3 Putting It All Together. 4 Legal Advice.

How much should I charge for pain relief after a car accident?

For three months after the accident you saw a physician regularly and took daily pain medication. After about three months, the pain eased and you were able to resume normal activities again. You might assign a daily value of $200.

Will my car accident injuries be painful?

With many types of car accident injuries, because the nature of the injury is common knowledge, there is a presumption that it will be painful. For example, we all know that a broken bone requires medical treatment, possibly even surgery. The bone break will require a healing period that often includes immobilization in a cast.

Car accident pain and suffering claim

Car accident pain and suffering compensation

Car accident pain and suffering compensation calculator