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Car accident settlement cases

Avis 5,0 (28.529) Since 1988, Morgan & Morgan have represented thousands of car accident injury cases throughout the nation and won over $15 billion in verdicts and settlements.

What is the average car accident settlement in Georgia?

Car Accident Settlements With Severe Injuries For car accidents resulting in traumatic brain injuries, spinal damage, or long-lasting injuries, the medical expenses and pain and suffering damages will be higher. Thus, settlements for severe injuries often begin at $50,000 and may range up to $200,000 or more.

What is the average car accident settlement in Florida?

According to the car accident settlement examples listed on this page, the average Florida car accident settlement is anywhere from $300,000 to $6,100,000. Settlements depend greatly on the unique circumstances of each case which is why there is no accurate average settlement amount for car accidents in Florida.

Why is my Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

The car accident settlement process can take months, sometimes even years to finalize because of the sheer amount of time it takes for lawyers and/...

How much will I have to pay my lawyer to settle a car accident claim?

The good thing about auto accident attorneys is they only get paid if they win. Their fee is a percentage of the amount of the money they recover f...

Does having pre-existing injuries affect my car accident settlement amount?

Having pre-existing injuries can make collecting a car accident settlement tricky, and in some cases can really hurt your chances at getting enough...

Is reaching a car accident settlement worth it?

If you were in a car accident, you probably have a stack of medical bills, lost earnings, and emotional distress. Should you file a claim and try t...

How are car accident settlement amounts calculated?

In a car accident case, there are two types of damages available to the injured party. These are economic (special) and non-economic (general) dama...

Are car accident settlements public record?

If a car accident case is settled out of court, the amount of the settlement and case details are not public record. Most car accident claims are s...

How do I settle my car accident case?

If you were in a car accident and you think you want to settle it yourself, below are the steps to follow. But you should first consider how badly...

How long does a car accident settlement take?

In a best-case scenario, a car accident settlement will take a few weeks. This however, rarely happens. Insurance companies are known to try and of...

How do car accident settlements work?

The car accident settlement process can range from quick & painless, to long and drawn out, depending on the details of the accident, the complexit...

Car accident settlement cases in delaware

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Car accident settlement examples reddit