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Car accident today victoria

Traffic accident reports; Vehicle impounds; Veteran support; Weapons controls; Can you help us? Cold cases; Missing persons; Missing registered sex offenders; Rewards; Report. Non-urgent theft and property reporting; Sexual offences and child abuse; Unwanted sexual and anti-social behaviour on public transport; Missing registered sex offenders

Can Victoria Police make a formal report of an accident?

Please note that if no person was injured in the accident and all involved parties have exchanged name and address details, Victoria Police will not normally make a formal report of the accident. In that case the Accident Records Office will not be able to provide a report of the accident.

How long do Victoria Police latest news items appear on the site?

Victoria Police Latest news items releases feature on our site for seven days. They are then unpublished for legal reasons.

What happened in Queensland?

A woman has lost both her legs and an arm in a machinery accident in southeast Queensland. Man and woman charged over baby death; Labor-Coalition gap closes in Victoria election; Andrew O'Keefe charged with breaching bail conditions; Qantas says cabin crew strike vote 'very disappointing'

Car accident while driving someone else's car

Car accident with suspended license and no insurance

Car accident without health insurance