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Car body repair prices

How much does auto body repair cost?

Auto body repair takes time and, with labor costs ranging between $75 and $150 per hour, it's easy to see how just labor can significantly inflate the cost of auto body repair. Luxury cars are always more expensive to repair with pricier parts and additional technology and finishing processes.

What factors affect the cost of auto body repair services?

Location:Local labor costs, the availability of parts and competition between auto body shops can also impact how much you pay. The repair shop:You can choose to take your car to a dealership, independent body shop or mobile service. In general, dealerships will cost the most.

How are car body repairs done?

Car body repairs involve various techniques, depending on the type of damage. Bodyshops can grind down, cut out, or suck out damage before smoothing, polishing, and repainting the area to finish the job. How are car dents repaired? The way a dent is repaired will depend on how big it is, and its whereabouts on the car.


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