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Car chip shortage 2023

Will automotive supply chain shortages continue in 2023?

We can expect continued disruption to the global semiconductor industry and, therefore, continued supply chain shortages in the automotive industry throughout 2023, according to a new report in the Financial Times.

Will the chip shortage be as bad as last year?

The chip shortage has pummeled the global auto industry for years, depressing dealership inventory levels and driving up new and used vehicle prices. But experts from AutoForecast Solutions say that by the end of 2022, the semiconductor shortage won't be nearly as bad as it was last year.

What will happen to the automotive industry in 2023?

Sparse inventory and manufacturing slowdowns turned the automotive industry upside down. Some marques like Toyota have alerted investors and customers that persistent shortages will hamper production of key vehicles in 2023.

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Car chip shortage 2024

Car chip shortage end

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