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Car dents fix

How to fix a dent on a car?

One of the easiest options to fix a dent is to use dry ice. It takes very little effort and may even remove a dent after only a few moments. You will need gloves before attempting this method for repairing dents on cars since dry ice can do damage to the skin if you handle it incorrectly. The method is simple: rub the dry ice over the dent.

Can you use a hairdryer to fix a dent?

It may sound a little ridiculous, but many car owners successfully use hairdryers to fix dents on their cars. This is possible because the heat applied to the metallic surface of a vehicle can allow the dent to pop out, thus fixing the problem (with a little help from some additional tools).

How to fix a dent in a vacuum cleaner?

In this case, you first need to cut a small hole in the bottom of a bucket (the hole should be big enough to support your vacuum cleaner hose). Next, cover the dent with the top of the bucket and put the vacuum cleaner hose over the hole at the bottom of the bucket. Lastly, turn on the vacuum and wait for the dent to disappear like magic.


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