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Car Insurance Certificate download

To Download Insurance Certificate can be checked online from the website Parivahan or the mParivahan app which is available on the play store.

How do I download my car insurance certificate?

Visit the official website of the insurer from where you purchased your car insurance. Login to your account by entering the requested details, such as your policy number, name, phone number, etc. After logging in, go to the option of downloading the motor policy document.

Where can I find my car insurance certificate?

Look through your bank and credit card statements to track down the insurance company or search your email inbox for 'car insurance' Contact your insurer and explain the situation. If you can't find your current insurance certificate, you'll be able to get a copy of it from your insurer but you might be charged.

What is vehicle insurance certificate?

The Insurance Certificate is a document which has details about the active policy and the insured vehicle. You need to keep the policy certificate in your vehicle at all times so that you can produce the document during any sort of police inspection.

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