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Car insurance for elderly drivers UK

Car Insurance for Over 80s. Protecting your No Claims Discount is included as standard**. Age Co is 100% owned by Age UK and gives its profits to the charity enabling them to support those older people most at need. £20,000,000 limit for third party property damage. Maximum 180 days in any one period of insurance.

What is older driver insurance and how does it work?

Older driver insurance is car insurance designed for drivers over a certain age. There isn’t actually a policy called “older driver insurance”, but many insurers do offer specific policies for drivers over the age of 50, and some also offer cover for drivers over 80 (as this is when insurance can start to get really pricey).

What is specialist car insurance for elderly drivers?

Specialist car insurance for elderly drivers. The government and insurers agreed that if a provider refuses to insure you based on your age, it must point you towards another company that can cover you. It’s likely to be one of the older driver specialists, such as Age UK, Saga and RIAS.

Are insurance premiums still expensive for elderly drivers?

Whilst there has been a change in direction more recently towards elderly drivers by some insurers, the premiums can still be quite expensive. Here at AJ Insurance, we understand that someone who has not had an accident or claim for the past 5 years, and has probably been driving for over 50 years does not suddenly become a bad driver overnight.

Does car insurance cost more for drivers over 80?

Car insurance tends to get cheaper as you get older, but only until you hit around 70. After that, it goes up again. Drivers over 80 will, on aver...

Is car insurance cheaper for women over 80?

Until relatively recently, car insurance was cheaper for female drivers due to statistics that showed them to be less at risk of accident than male...

Do pre-existing medical conditions affect the cost of my car insurance?

One of the reasons drivers over 80 may find it difficult to get cheaper insurance is the increased likelihood of pre-existing medical conditions...

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