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Car insurance price pakistan

What is the best type of car insurance in Pakistan?

Comprehensive car insurance is the best type of car insurance in Pakistan as it provides protection from all kinds of accidents including floods, riots, natural disasters, theft, vandalism, natural disasters, etc. Under the Motor Vehicle Act 1939,third-party car insurance is a lawful requirement for driving a car in Pakistan.

What is third party car insurance in Pakistan?

Under the Motor Vehicle Act 1939,third-party car insurance is a lawful requirement for driving a car in Pakistan. Third-party car insurance basically provides financial cover for physical injury, disability and death of the third party that has resulted from a road accident perpetrated by the insured’s car.

What is a car insurance policy?

Car insurance is a contract between the customer and the insurance company covering financial and personal loss in case of any damages or loss to the vehicle. Car insurance providers offer different insurance plans and premium packages. However, purchasing a car insurance policy can be challenging for customers.

Why do you need car insurance in Pakistan?

Vehicle insurance keeps you, your car, and your family safe and gives you a peace of mind. It provides you financial coverage for vehicle damages,...

How to get auto insurance in Pakistan?

There are a number of car insurance providers in the major cities of Pakistan. You can spend hours searching for the best car insurance companies a...

How can you claim your car insurance?

In case you find yourself in a car accident, car theft, or any other incident covered under your insurance policy, the first thing to do is call yo...

What is the comprehensive cover?

A comprehensive cover includes accidental external means, fire, external explosion, riot, strike, earthquake, flood, theft, and third-party liability.

Does Insurance cover mechanical losses?

No, Insurance covers accidental losses not mechanical.

What is the purpose of pre-inspection?

All damages found in the pre-inspection report will not be covered by insurance.

What is the payment procedure?

Premium payment will be due within 7 days after issuance of “Cover note”. Payment can be made in any way by cross cheque, cash and online banking.

Can an old car be considered for comprehensive coverage?

Most of the companies cover 10 years old cars but some are offering plans for cars manufactured in 2005 onwards as well.

Is the Car Insurance plan transferable if a client sells his car?

The plan can be transferred vehicle to vehicle,it means client can avail adjustment for his new car for the remaining tenure.

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