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Car insurance uk non resident

Can a non-UK resident insure a car in the UK?

Although it can be hard to find an insurance provider to insure a non-UK resident, Keith Michaels have been providing UK vehicle insurance to international customers for over a decade and understand exactly what you require. Expats living abroad who have a car in the UK will need to have a residential address in the UK in order to insure it.

Can I get temporary car insurance if I’m non UK resident?

As a non UK resident you may find it difficult to obtain temporary car insurance if you are looking to hire a car. The only way around this, is to bring your own car into the UK and to make sure your policy covers you to drive in another country.

Why do non-UK residents struggle to find affordable car insurance?

Many non-UK residents struggle to find affordable car insurance when driving in the UK. This is because most UK insurers treat drivers from outside of the UK as high-risk. They don’t care if you’ve built up years of experience of careful driving overseas. So you may pay a higher premium than most UK drivers.

Car insurance uk price

Car insurance under 25 Reddit

Car insurance under 25 years old