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Car insurance washington state credit score

When Thurston County Superior Court granted a stay on the credit scoring ban on Feb. 25, 2022, insurers could go back to using credit scores to set their rates. They’ve been able to do so since then. All they have to do is submit a rate filing to our office to add credit back to the way they charge insurance premiums. The decision for insurance companies to use credit information rests with them. Ask your insurance company to explain to you the factors it used to determine the rates for ...

Does credit score affect auto insurance rates in Washington State?

A Thurston County judge has overturned a Washington state rule that prohibits insurers from using credit scoring to set rates for auto, homeowner and renter insurance. OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — A judge on Friday overturned a Washington state rule prohibiting insurers from using credit scoring to set rates for auto, homeowner and renter insurance.

What is the average car insurance rate in Washington State?

The average car insurance rate in Washington is $1,191. But every company uses its own method for assessing risk. That’s why the cost for the same policy can vary significantly among insurance companies – and why you should compare rates.

How do I get car insurance in Washington State?

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Washington State recommends you shop around to seek insurance coverage. However, in the event, you are denied coverage by the voluntary market, you can contact the Automobile Insurance Plan (AIP) to get an insurance provider assigned to you.

Car insurance washington state price

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