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Car lease mileage limit

Most leases limit the number of miles you may drive (often 12,000 or 15,000 miles per year). You can negotiate a higher mileage limit and pay a higher monthly payment. You will likely have to pay charges for exceeding the limit, if you return the vehicle.

What is the highest mileage lease you can get?

Most car leases come with mileage caps, usually between 10,000 to 15,000 miles a year. Going over your mileage cap can be costly, usually ranging from 10 to 25 cents per additional mile driven.

If You Are Exceeding The Mileage Allowance on Your Car Lease, You Have Options

Many people who lease cars, find themselves exceeding their mileage limit — or maybe don’t discover it until lease-end when they return the car to...

What Happens If I Exceed My Mileage Limit?

Excess miles charges are not penalties as many people think. The charges are simply fair compensation to the lease company for the unexpected highe...

How Can I Know If I Am Exceeding My Mileage Limit If I’M in The Middle of My Lease?

There’s the manual calculation method: You look at the mileage on your car and and divide by the number of whole months you’ve been leasing. That g...

What Can I Do If I Know I’M Going Over Mileage ?

First, you cannot change your mileage allowance after your lease begins. It is what it is. If you know before you lease that you’ll be driving extr...

Should I Purchase My Car Early If I Am Exceeding Mileage? Should I Simply End The Lease early?

Purchasing your leased car early as a way of avoiding lease-end mileage charges is not recommended. In most cases it accomplishes nothing and may a...

What If I Am Under My Miles at lease-end?

This is the opposite situation to the one we’ve been discussing up to this point.If you find that you’ll be under your mileage allowance at lease-e...

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