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Car loan eligibility

What is the eligible cibil score for car loan?

As a thumb rule, banks consider a CIBIL score of 750 or higher credit-worthy. A score of 650 or less is deemed too low to be given a loan.

How to get a 100 percent car loan?

Car Loan Eligibility Criteria for 100% On-Road Finance He or she must have a CIBIL score of 800 or above with no negative loan repayment history in the credit report. The applicant must have a minimum annual income of Rs. 3 lakh. The car loan amount will not be more than the applicant's net annual income.

What is the minimum EMI for car?

Car Loan Calculator India 2022 Car loan interest rates starts @ 8.65%. Lowest EMI per lakh on car loan is ₹ 1,591 for a loan tenure of 7 years.

Car loan eligibility calculator

Car loan eligibility features

Car Loan EMI Calculator HDFC