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Car loan processing fee

Do Car Loans Charge Origination Fees? Some auto loan lenders will charge you between 1-and 2% of the total loan as origination fees. However, it varies depending on the lender – some will altogether waive the processing fees or simply not charge you at all.

What is loan processing fee?

Loan processing charges: The bank has to bear some administrative costs while processing and sanctioning your loan. This is usually a small amount, which varies from bank to bank and typically costs about 0.5% to 2.50% of the total amount of the loan.

What is a normal finance charge for a car?

The national average for US auto loan interest rates is 5.27% on 60 month loans. For individual consumers, however, rates vary based on credit score, term length of the loan, age of the car being financed, and other factors relevant to a lender's risk in offering a loan.

What is HDFC car loan interest rate?

Banks charge a prepayment fee for prepaying the car loan before its tenure. The prepayment fee is a small percentage of the outstanding principal amount of the car loan. Go through the prepayment clause at the time of applying for a car loan from a bank.

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