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Car plastic parts repair

18 déc. 2020 · With how much plastic is in cars, it's only a matter of time before some plastic breaks in your ...
Durée : 20:18
Postée : 18 déc. 2020

Can you repair plastic car parts?

Sand the welded plastic with 80-grit, finish it up with 150-grit, and you're ready for paint. A less expensive repair can be done on some plastics using a two-part epoxy filler material, saving you the cost of buying a plastic welder. The prep work is similar to the welding method.

Can plastic body panels be repaired?

Door handles, mirror casings, wheel flairs, bumper trim, running board inserts, faded bed liners, even golf cart trim, virtually anything plastic on the exterior of a vehicle can be restored to like-new condition. Watch our Trim Kote Video so you can see how to apply this product and how well it works

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