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Car registration South africa

To register a new vehicle, go to your appropriate registering authority and submit the following:
  1. your identity document (ID)
  2. proof of residential address e.g. utility account. ...
  3. if you stay at an informal settlement, you must bring a letter with an official date stamp from the ward councillor confirming your address.

How much does it cost to register a car in South Africa?

Vehicle registration fee

How to check car registration online in South Africa?

The website www.enatis.com is the official web site of the South African National Traffic Information System and provides detailed information on the eNaTIS. The system is used amongst others as the official register of licensed vehicles and drivers in South Africa.

What is needed to register a car in South Africa?

Registering Authority: This refers to where the car is registered, such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, or some other South African city, town or region. Register number: This is a number that often causes confusion. It refers to the Natis system number, where the car's details are logged. This is in essence the Natis I.D.

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