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Car rental Toronto

Is Costco the cheapest way to rent a car?

Low rental prices Costco is probably the most competitive outlet for renting cars that I've found. They're almost always the cheapest, though it's never a guarantee. When you book through Costco Travel, you also can add your reservation information to AutoSlash (read our review here).

Can we rent a car on G2?

If you only have a learner's permit (a G1 or G2 licence), you will not be able to rent a car. If you have a driver's licence from another country, you may still be able to rent a car.

Is it cheaper to rent a car for a week?

booking a weekly car rental can be cheaper overall than renting a car for the days you actually need it for.

What is Turo and how does it work?

Vehicle owners list their cars with Turo, a company based in San Francisco, and renters can search the available vehicles in their area and rent them for daily prices set by the owners. Rentals can be booked online or through a phone app that allows direct communication between owners and renters.

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