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Car repair time estimate

Free instant auto repair and maintenance estimates. See price breakdown with parts and labor. Book a mobile mechanic for service at your home or office.

How long do most car repairs take?

Car repair shops rarely get jobs done in a single day and often complete them after two to five days -sometimes up to a week. However, there are some vehicle repair jobs that can take longer-like months.

How long will my car be in the shop?

Smaller repairs can be done in as little as 1-2 days while larger collisions repairs can take upwards of about two 2-3 weeks, on vehicles with major structural damage.

What is the labor time guide?

What is a Labor Guide? As you already know, a labor guide is the backdrop of labor times for auto repair shops. It tells you how long, on average, it takes to complete different types of jobs.

Car repair time guide

Car repair warranty

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