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Car scratch down to metal

Repair Deep Body Scratches in Car Paint
  • Is Bare Metal Showing? Scratches are most problematic if they result in bare metal showing. ...
  • Sand It Down. With a deep scratch that exposes your car's metal body, you'll need to sand it down with low-grit sandpaper. ...
  • Add Body Filler. ...
  • Apply Primer. ...
  • Apply Paint. ...
  • Apply Clear Coat.

How do you tell if a scratch is down to the metal?

Examine the scratch carefully, and use your hand to determine how deep the scratch is. If you can't feel the scratch, it hasn't pierced the clear coat of paint most newer vehicles have above the base color paint. If you can feel the scratch, it probably hasn't gone past the base color paint to the metal.

What to do if you get a scratch from metal?

A piece of wet fine-grit sandpaper can be used to remove deeper scratches. Make sure to always keep it wet, and follow up with a rubbing compound. Start with the scratch and then blend it in. Determine the direction of the grain and start sanding in one direction only, following the brushed pattern.

Can you paint over scratched metal?

Touch-up paint can cover unwanted scratches, chips, abrasion marks or other lightly damaged areas on the panel to present a consistent finish and appearance. A finished paint layer on a metal panel is no thicker than cellophane; it's easy to see how scratches can occur.

Can you get a deep scratch out of a car?

Most light scratches can be fixed by polishing the clear coat with a rubbing compound. It will remove the damaged layer and leave your paint looking good as new. If the scratch is deep, you may need to sand the area before polishing it. It will remove any rough edges and make it easier to apply the compound evenly.

Car scratch proof coating price

Car scratch Protection Coating

Car scratch remover