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Car shipping by train across the country

Can I ship my car by rail? No, you can't ship your car by rail in most instances. Amtrak offers rail shipping between two train terminals in Sanford, Florida and Lorton, Virginia. But you'll need a regular vehicle shipping company like Easy Auto Ship to transport your car anywhere else.

Can I ship my car by train from Florida to California?

Rail transport isn't an option for everyone. There are, however, certain ADVANTAGES to shipping a car by train from California to Florida, from Florida to California or between two other locations. The cost to ship a car across the country by train can sometimes be less than shipping a vehicle by truck, for example.

How to ship a car to Florida by train?

The nonstop trip takes just over 17 hours, slightly longer than the time it would take to drive the 850 miles without stopping (and without traffic). The train departs daily.

How long is the auto train ride from Virginia to Florida?

The Auto Train transports you and your car (or van, motorcycle, SUV, small boat, jet-ski or other recreational vehicle) nonstop from the Washington, DC area to Florida, just outside of Orlando.

Car shipping by train canada

Car shipping by train prices

Car shipping calculator australia