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Car shipping cost from germany to egypt

Need a fast quote for Car Shipping to Egypt? Request a quote for car shipping to Egypt – Your request will be processed within 1 business day and will include transport import duties and TÜV consistence, if applicable. Quotes for eBay, dealer or private seller car buying, escrow services, car transport & shipping services to Australia and many other worldwide destinations are just a click away, with a guaranteed response within 24 hours.

How much does it cost to ship a car to Egypt?

For a normal car transported in a shipping container, costs for shipping to Egypt from the U.S. start at $2,900 and go up to $6,000 for larger vehicles and other methods of delivery. *Prices and times are estimated. They can vary depending on the season and the type of vehicle.

How can Berlin motors help you buy a car in Egypt?

In addition to arranging for vehicle relocation and importation to Egypt, as a licensed car dealer and exporter, Berlin Motors can help you with every step of the car buying process – from negotiating the best dealer price, verifying vehicle and seller information to VIP Car Checks, and much more. Need a fast quote for Car Shipping to Egypt?

What are the rules for importing cars into Egypt?

Vehicles imported into Egypt permanently must adhere to a certain set of rules as follows: The owners of used vehicles must present proof that he/she is the first AND only owner of the vehicle since the manufacturing date. For new cars, the vehicle must be shipped within the first year of being manufactured.

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