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Car too expensive to repair

Is car repair insurance worth the cost?

  • ar repair insurance is worth it for some drivers because it removes worries about big expenses. Plus, it provides added piece of mind for those who don’t know much about cars and who worry about haggling over repair costs. But for most people, auto repair insurance is not a good value. Consider the following two factors:

What is the cheapest used car to maintain?

  • Toyota Prius. And the cheapest car to maintain over 10 years?
  • Toyota Yaris. Another sub-compact hatchback about to disappear from dealerships,the Toyota Yaris is a cheap set of wheels to take care of for a decade.
  • Toyota Corolla.
  • Toyota Prius Prime.
  • Toyota Camry.
  • Toyota Avalon.
  • Honda Fit.
  • Mitsubishi Mirage.
  • Toyota GR Supra.
  • Honda Civic.

How much would a car restoration cost?

  • How much does a full car restoration cost? Depending on the quality of the paint job, the type of paint used and the number of coats applied, a good paint job can cost anywhere from a couple thousand dollars up to several thousand dollars. An overall restoration done by one shop is going to cost you anywhere from $40,000 to $60,000.

Does it cost much to repair the car?

  • Auto body repairs can range from fixing small scratches and dents to completely replacing parts. Collision repair costs can also vary widely: You may be handed a bill for as little as $50 or as much as $2,500 or more, depending on the damage, your car and who you hire.


: You need a car repair You might need two car repair estimates in writing Do not get the car repaired and then ask DSHS to pay the bill! Get approval first • When the case manager gets the proof they need from you DSHS will decide whether to approve the support service • If DSHS approves support services it may pay the provider directly or

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