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What is student transportation in private cars?

  • Student transportation in private cars occurs frequently when small groups of students are participating in an interscholastic activity or field trip and a school vehicle is not available. Most often, the driver is a coach or teacher who uses his or her own car.

Should children be transported in a car other than a bus?

  • When children are driven in a motor vehicle other than a bus, all children should be transported only if they are restrained in a developmentally appropriate car safety seat, booster seat, seat belt, or harness that is suited to the child's weight and age in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. The

Can a school transport an injured student in an emergency vehicle?

  • Although a district may have a policy that requires ill or injured students or employees to be transported to medical care in an emergency vehicle, there may be circumstances when that is not possible or timely.

How should the administration decide about transporting pupils in private cars?

  • The administration must decide whether the benefits of transporting pupils in private cars outweigh the potential of loss and, in general terms, what will be permitted. It will then be the administration's responsibility to carry out the policy in a way that protects the students' welfare, while reducing the district's exposure to loss.

[PDF] List of Approved Nonmedical Transportation Providers - California

101Ns Med Transport Services LLC Bakersfield CA 93304-2955 (661) 426-9506 Golden Empire Transit District Bakersfield CA 93301-1012 (661) 324-9874

[PDF] Tr a n s p o r T i n g Yo u r Ca r Wi T hin T h e sT a T e s

other product or service in auto transport you get what you pay for Like nearly everything else in the collector car hobby when considering transporting a car you’re faced with a dizzying array of options It’s not unlike choosing between a quickie paint job a driver-quality freshening up or a full-blown concours restoration You must

[PDF] Know the Risks: Transporting Students in Private Vehicles - ed

staff members to drive school vehicles used to transport students through training license verification and motor vehicle record checks is prudent Establish Policies It is the administration's responsibility to identify all the transportation needs of pupils and to determine the resources available to meet those needs If those needs

[PDF] Transportation of Children - HHSgov

c) At all times school buses should be ready to transport children who must ride in wheelchairs; d) Manufacturers’ specifications should be followed to assure that safety requirements are met 6 5 2 4 Interior Temperature of Vehicles The interior of vehicles used to transport children for field trips and out-of-program activities should be

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