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Canadian copyright law public domain

What is copyright in Canada?

In Canada, copyright in a work comes into existence when a work is created. Under Canadian copyright legislation rights of the author/creator are protected whether or not he or she has marked the work with the standard copyright symbol "©". In the simplest terms, "copyright" means "the right to copy."

Is the work in the public domain in Canada?

If the work is in the public domain in the country where it was published, then it is in the public domain in Canada. If the work is not in the public domain in Canada nor in the country where it is published, then the work is not in the public domain.

How long are books protected by copyright in Canada?

For example, Crown or government works in Canada are protected until published and for an additional 50 years from the date of publication. A further exception exists for works of joint authorship, in which case the copyright will last for the remainder of the calendar year in which the last author dies, and for 50 years after that.

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