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Caravan dent Removal tool

Do It Yourself Caravan Dent Removal Methods The first method uses a blowtorch to heat the panel and afterwards a cold liquid. The second method is using a custom dent extraction kit with hot glue and a plastic pad. Finally, a screw insertion method, in which a screw is inserted into the dent, which is then pulled out using pliers.

How do you fix a dent in a caravan panel?

As its difficult to gain access to back of caravan panels a different technique can be used which is known as glue pulling. A correctly profiled glue tab is adheered to the dent and a slide hammer used to tease the dent out, in conjuction with a knockdown tool dents can be improved by 85% or better.

What is the best way to remove dents from a car?

Suction Cup You’re surely familiar with the concept of a suction cup. Give it handles for firm grip, and you have a dent puller. This device may seem overly simplistic, but it surely is effective. They are made out of rubber and plastic, so a suction cup is the most affordable way to fix your dents.

How do you fix a dent in a plastic Van cap?

To increase adherence, drill a half-dozen small holes in the cap so that it becomes easy for the glue to seep through, finally, apply hot glue to the dent. When removing the cap from the van, it is simple to acquire grip with your hands and ease the cap off and the dent out.

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