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Canadian Dollar to indian rupee

What is $100 Canadian in Indian Rupees?

100 CAD = ₹6123.18 INR.

How much is $500 dollars in Indian Rupees?

500 USD = ₹41432.5 INR Our online currency converter is showing you the value of 500 US Dollar in Indian Rupees according to the current foreign exchange rate 41432.5. Today i.e. Wednesday 28/12/2022 , for 500 US Dollar you get 41432.5 Indian Rupees.

Why is Indian rupee so weak?

The Indian currency is called the rupee and the value of the rupee is affected by various factors like inflation rate, foreign exchange system, etc. The main reason for the weakness of the Indian rupee is the increasing trade deficit, lack of trust by foreign investors and contraction in the stock market.

Canadian Dollar to USD

Canadian election 2022 date

Canadian election 2022 polls