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Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment guidelines

Guidance for Management of Confirmed or Suspected CO Poisoning. Administer 100% oxygen until the patient is symptom-free, usually about 4-5 hours. Serial neurologic exams should be performed to assess progress, and to detect the signs of developing cerebral edema.

How do you treat a person suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning?

Spending time in a pressurized oxygen chamber. In many cases, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is recommended. This therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a chamber in which the air pressure is about two to three times higher than normal. This speeds the replacement of carbon monoxide with oxygen in your blood.

What is the primary antidote for carbon monoxide poisoning?

Oxygen is antidotal for carbon monoxide poisoning and will also help enhance elimination. Continue oxygen until signs resolve or carboxyhemoglobin levels are less than 4%.

What medication is used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning?

All patients with symptomatic carbon monoxide poisoning should be treated with 100% oxygen as soon as possible. In severe cases of fire fume intoxication, combined poisoning with CO and cyanides should be considered.

Can you recover from carbon monoxide poisoning on your own?

Most people who develop mild carbon monoxide poisoning recover quickly when moved into fresh air.

Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment hyperbaric oxygen

Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment medication

Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment medscape