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Canadian grading system

What is the Canadian University grading system?

The Canadian university grading system does not make use of sorting system, but a blend of letter grading system Canada and grade point average (GPA). If you’re thinking of applying to any university or college in Canada, it is important to know the grading system details.

What is the grading system in Alberta?

Alberta Grading System The grading system in Alberta mainly involves using letter grades A through D. The institutions or lecturers will define the way to convert the letter grades into% or grade points. The Alberta grading scale will vary as used by universities it could lie between 4.0 to 9.0 grading scale.

What is the grading system in Saskatchewan?

In the territory of Ontario, they make use of 10.0 grading system. In Quebec and New Brunswick, some universities make use of the 4.3 grading system, while others make use of 4.33 grading system. In Saskatchewan, A+ is 90 – 100%, A is 80 – 89%, B is 70 -79%, C is 60 – 69%, D is 50 – 59% and F is 0 – 49%.

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