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Cardiac care unit

Une unité de soins intensifs de cardiologie est un service d'hospitalisation situé au sein d'un service de cardiologie et permettant la surveillance 24 h sur 24 des constantes vitales des patients. Elle implique la présence, outre d'une équipe... Wikipédia

What happens in a cardiac care unit?

The Cardiac Critical Care Unit provides care for critically ill patients experiencing diseases of the heart for which medical care and intervention is needed. The unit provides preceptors and clinical rotations for all levels of nursing education. The unit congress is active and professional development is encouraged.

Is cardiac care unit the same as ICU?

Examples of patients who need critical care includes those who undergo very invasive surgery or who have poor outcomes after surgery, those who are severely injured in an accident, people with serious infections, or people who have trouble breathing on their own and require a ventilator to breathe for them.

What type of patients are at CCU?

While the CCU and the ICU are equipped to provide critical care, they do it in distinct ways. Patients with multiple organ failures are better served by the ICU, whereas cardiac patients need the specialized care of the CCU.

Cardiac disease symptoms

Cardiac ICU cases

Cardiac icu diseases