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Cardio in between lifting days

There are 3 main benefits of doing cardio on rest days: Cardio can increase blood flow to muscles helping bring more nutrients. Cardio can clean-up byproducts of exercise. Cardio can decrease muscle soreness.

Should I do cardio in between weightlifting days?

That depends on your individual goals. If you primarily want to build muscle, you do not need to do cardio on your rest days. However, if you want to strip fat and keep your cardiovascular fitness up, it is recommended you do a light cardio session like a run or swim between weight sessions.

Can I do cardio between lifting?

In short, if you're looking to build muscle and strength, it's best to avoid concurrent training (cardio and strength training combined).

Is it OK to do cardio on rest days?

The short and simple answer to this is yes, you can do cardio on rest days. It is a commonly held belief that if you do cardio, you will 'kill your gains', meaning you will break down the muscle you have worked so hard to build. However, if you are smart with your training this won't happen.

Is doing cardio in between sets killing my gains?

Cardio doesn't necessarily hinder muscle growth if you're training right. Every body responds differently to cardio and strength training. But most people probably don't need to worry about cardio harming muscle growth, Ngo Okafor, a celebrity personal trainer, told Insider.

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