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Cardiovascular disease risk factors

Leading risk factors for heart disease and stroke are high blood pressure, high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and secondhand smoke exposure, obesity, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.

What are the four main risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

In brief, the 7 cardiovascular health factors include smoking status, body weight, total cholesterol, blood glucose, physical activity, and diet. Each cardiovascular health factor was categorized into 3 groups (ideal, intermediate, poor).

What are the 7 factors of cardiovascular health?

There are five important heart disease risk factors that you can control. A poor diet, high blood pressure and cholesterol, stress, smoking and obesity are factors shaped by your lifestyle and can be improved through behavior modifications.

Cardiovascular disease risk factors articles

Cardiovascular disease risk factors journal articles

Cardiovascular disease worldwide