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Care oxford dictionary definition

What is the meaning of care?

cared; caring. Definition of care (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 a : to feel trouble or anxiety cared for his safety. b : to feel interest or concern care about freedom. 2 : to give care care for the sick. 3 a : to have a liking, fondness, or taste don't care for your attitude. b : to have an inclination would you care for some pie.

What is the meaning of great care?

noun a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care. a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.: Their son has always been a great care to them. serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution: She devotes great care to her work.

What is a carer?

(British English) (North American English caregiver) a person, either a member of the family or somebody who is paid, who takes care of a sick or old person at home Carers do not always realize that they can receive financial support.

Care past participle english

Care past participle form

Care past tense