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Career goals examples for students

What is an example of a career goal?

For example, setting a goal to graduate at the top of their class to pursue a job at a prestigious engineering company is a goal a student can pursue and that anyone can recognize when it's reached. Career goals are critical to understanding the education a student needs for their future job and in establishing their education and training pace.

Why are career goals important for college students?

Setting these goals allows students to define their objectives and outline the steps necessary to achieve them. Having realistic and attainable career goals can be helpful for you as a college student, especially if you know what career goals are, why they are important and the steps to accomplishing them.

How to set Career Development Goals?

The key to setting career development goals that you actually reach is making them SMART: There’s a huge difference between a career goal that states ”I want to earn more” and one that states ”I want to earn $80’000 a year”. Be specific about what you wish for, and there will be higher chances to get it.

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