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Careers in-demand in the world

Which occupations are most in demand across the world?

Software engineers are needed in 24 countries, nurses are needed in 18, while 11 countries report a shortage of accountants. Explore the chart below to see which occupations are most in demand across the world and discover which skills are needed.

What are the most in-demand jobs around the world?

Across the developed countries of the world, skilled professionals are in high demand. Software engineers are needed in 24 countries, nurses are needed in 18, while 11 countries report a shortage of accountants.

What are the fastest growing careers in demand for the future?

Well, there are many remarkable careers that can give you the financial stability and peace-of-mind you’re looking for. In this post, you’ll discover some of the fastest growing and highest paying careers in demand for the future. 1. Registered nurses (RN) 2. Software Developers 3. Postsecondary Education Teachers 4. Accountants and Auditors 5.

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