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Canadian psychology professor

What is Canadian psychology/Psychologie Canada?

This journal is a publication of the Canadian Psychological Association. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne publishes generalist articles in areas of theory, research, practice, education, and policy that are of interest to a broad cross-section of psychologists.

Who are the most famous professors in Canada?

If you're trying to find out the names of famous Canadian professors then this list is the perfect resource for you. These professors are among the most prominent in their field, and information about each well-known professor from Canada is included when available. List features people like Alexander Graham Bell and John Kenneth Galbraith.

Who are the most famous Canadian psychologists?

Find out more about the greatest Canadian Psychologists, including Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker, Erik Erikson, Mary Ainsworth and J. Philippe Rushton.

Canadian psychology universities

Canadian red book 2021

Canadian red book 2022