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Carefully discuss the difference between public administration and business administration

What is the difference between public administration and business operating administration?

By virtue of the fact that Public administrators today play and pay more attention to the delivery of quality services for the people, it is governed by public law while business operating administration is regulated by private, mercantile law.

What is the difference between public and private administration?

Key Differences Between Public and Private Administration. The systematic and well-planned management of the affairs of the state to achieve the purposes established by the government is known as Public Administration. The term private administration refers to the operation, management, and organisation of the affairs of the business enterprise.

What is administration in business?

Administration can be viewed as the act of effectively managing the affairs of a business organisation or state. It implies the optimum use of people, information and other resources of the organisation, in the attainment of the ultimate goal of the company. The administration can be done either by public officials or private individuals.

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