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Careness or caringness

Caringness noun The quality of being caring. Care noun (obsolete) Grief, sorrow. Care noun Close attention; concern; responsibility. ‘Care should be taken when holding babies.’; Care noun Worry. ‘I don't have a care in the world.’; Care noun Maintenance, upkeep. ‘dental care’; Care noun The treatment of those in need (especially as a profession).

What is the difference between caring and careness?

The word is caring, not careness. There are a number of ways to say this. The two simplest expressions are: Thanks for caring about me. Thanks for thinking about me. Depending on the context, "care" might sound too familiar. Instead you could say:

What is the meaning of care?

Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity. ‘The care of all the churches.’; ‘Him thy care must be to find.’; ‘Perplexed with a thousand cares.’; Attention or heed; caution; regard; heedfulness; watchfulness; as, take care; have a care.

Is caring a noun or adjective?

(Empathy, devotion, caring) I believe that "caring" is the word you want. It can be used as an adjective: "She is a caring person." It can also be used as a noun: "She exhibited a high level of caring.

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