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Caring french translation

caring adjective— · attentif adj (attentive f sl, attentifs m pl, attentives f pl) · bienveillant adj (bienveillante f sl, bienveillants m pl, bienveillantes f pl).Then life was an absolute nightmare -, trying to juggle caring for him with, working. rhdcc.gc.ca:80 rhdcc.gc.ca:80: Puis la vie est ...
Learn to cope with tips on caring for your child. bayerdiabetes.ca bayerdiabetes.ca: Apprenez à composer avec la maladie grâce à ...
Sometimes caring for the environment is at odds with trying to generate an economic return. sca-fcc.ca sca-fcc.ca: Il arrive que l'in...
If everyone adopted, such an attitude of caring and sharing how different, our world would be. curia.op.org curia.op.org: Si tout le ...

Comment traduire zut ?

(aussi : flûte) oh damn

Quand Synonym in French ?

Lorsque, dans le temps que.

Caring in French

Caring in past participle

Caring in social work