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Carmel College dress code

Where can I buy Carmel College uniforms?

Uniform items can also be ordered online and delivered to your address within 48 hours at www.nzuniform.com Items purchased elsewhere will not be permitted. The school is not responsible for any interactions in the purchase or sales of Carmel College Uniform.

What is the uniform of the BBC students of Mount Carmel College?

The BBC students of mount carmel coege are provided with a uniform, it is a suit which is navy blue in colour and has a white shirt inside 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

What is the dress code at Mount Carmel College?

Regular dress code is anything casual except for sleeveless, crop tops, clothes above knees or ripped clothes. Specifically for BBA it is white formal shirt paired with Mount Carmel Blazer for three days a week Hope it helped

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