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Carmel College Map

How far is Carmel College from the town centre?

Carmel College has a “Green Travel Plan” and we would encourage visitors to consider alternatives to visiting by car with single occupancy. The college is located 1.5 miles from St Helens town centre on the A58 Prescot Road. The centre of Prescot is 4 miles away.

Is Carmel a good school?

Carmel is a Catholic Sixth Form College welcoming students of all faiths and from all backgrounds. The college is rated as Ofsted Outstanding and has a reputation offering a range of high quality A Level, BTEC and Foundation Learning courses.

Where is Carmel College St Helens?

Carmel College is situated on the A58 Prescot Road, next to West Park Rugby Club. It is accessible from a range of road and motorway networks. CARMEL COLLEGE, PRESCOT ROAD, ST HELENS, MERSEYSIDE, WA10 3AG.

Carmel College open Day

Carmel College Sociology

Carmel College St Helens