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Carriage return character

What is a carriage return?

A carriage return, sometimes known as a cartridge return and often shortened to CR, or return, is a control character or mechanism used to reset a device's position to the beginning of a line of text. It is closely associated with the line feed and newline concepts, although it can be considered separately in its own right.

What is special character carriage return in Java?

Hi coders today we are going to study a special character carriage return in Java. It is denoted by [&r&]. Special characters are the character sequence that is used to perform a specific task. The main use of this character is to bring the cursor to the starting of the line without changing the line.

How do I find carriage return characters in Notepad?

To find carriage return characters in Notepad, open the Find dialog box by pressing the Ctrl+F keys. In the Find what field, type “” (without the quotes). Make sure that the Match case and Wrap around options are not selected. Press the Find Next button to find the first occurrence of a carriage return character.

Carriage return excel

Carriage return html

Carriage return Java