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Canadian vehicles ww2

What countries used Canadian made vehicles in WW2?

Other countries also ordered Canadian made vehicles. During the war, these included the UK, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, India, and the USSR (after they changed sides in June 1941 when their ally Hitler turned on them). The US military used CMPs in the Philippines when the Japanese invaded.

Why was there a need for military vehicles in Canada in 1933?

The rise to power in Germany of Hitler and the Nazi party in 1933 led to discussions in the mid-1930s between the British War Office and the Canadian Army concerning the possible production of military vehicles in Canada. During the First World War Canadian land forces had participated as a corps in the British Army.

What vehicles were used in the Second World War?

During the Second World War, 1,761 Otters were produced, and were used by Canadian, British and South African units. After the war, the vehicle was used in the Indonesian Revolution by the Dutch and Jordanian armies. Armoured renaissance car, “The Otter”, used in conflict in Tunisia, driving over rocky terrain.

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