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Cancellation of bank account letter

What is a cancellation letter from Bank of America?

Bank Account Cancellation Letter. Bank account cancellation letters are typically addressed to the bank by its customers for the closure of the bank accounts. These letters have to be very specific with respect to what the action is supposed to be done.

How do I cancel my bank account?

The cancellation details need to be expressed very concisely and clearly, in order to reduce chances of misunderstanding. Clearly write this to the concerned authorities that you have an intention to cancel your bank account and that the bank is requested to accomplish the procedure within the notice period.

How do you write a cancellation letter?

Be Direct. A cancellation letter is not the place to be vague, else you will never get the job done. Let the reader know from the word go that you would like your account closed, when you would want it done, and any special instructions to go with the closure. Be Polite.

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