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Cancelling a gym contract consumer protection act

How do I Cancel my Gym contract?

Make sure you read the terms and conditions of your gym contract before you sign up to check if you have the right to cancel. Some gyms do allow you to cancel as long as you give one month's notice but check the terms and conditions to see what notice period is required.

What is the right to cancel a membership to a facility?

The law gives you the right to cancel if there is a change in your circumstances. For example, if you have moved more than 30 km from the facility, or you are mentally or physically unable to participate in the activity you signed up for, you have the right to cancel.

When does the clock start ticking when you cancel a gym membership?

When you cancel a gym membership, the notice period should start from the day you notify the gym, not from the date you’ve paid up to. There’s no legitimate reason for the gym to start the clock ticking at the later date. If your gym tries this on, remind it the Fair Trading Act says it can’t impose unfair terms.

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