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Cancelling gym membership letter

What is a gym cancellation letter?

A gym cancellation letter is a letter in which the writer requests the cancellation of his gym contract. Gym membership contracts can be a bit difficult to cancel. If you want to cancel your membership, you need to write a gym cancellation letter and make sure it is delivered to the gym in time to meet the required notice period.

Can you cancel a membership at a gym?

For example, if the club is a gym, and the person doesn’t want to attend any more, they must write a membership cancellation letter. It is not legal to simply stop paying dues or going to the gym. If the consumer does this, the club may use a collection agency to force the consumer to pay.

How do I write a cancellation letter for my membership?

Keep it direct, as in the following model: My membership is eligible for cancellation on February 1. Please consider this letter as your official 30 days notice of my intent to cancel, as per our contract terms. After a brief final paragraph, end your letter with a friendly closing. Keep your closing short and to the point, as follows:

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