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How much can you charge for medical records in NC?

North Carolina General Statutes §90-411 $0.75 for first 25 pages. $0.50 for pages 26-100. $0.25 for pages over 100. Minimum fee of $10.00 permitted.

What are my rights when requesting medical records in North Carolina?

  • In North Carolina you have the right to: •See and get a copy of your medical record. Your health care provider usually must let you see your medical record or give you a copy of it within 30 days after they receive your request. In most cases, your health care provider is allowed to charge you a reasonable, cost-based fee for copying your record.

How much does it cost to get my medical record?

  • The $10 fee can only include the cost of copying (including labor and supplies) and mailing your medical Georgetown University 2005 NC – Getting Your Record 12 record. If your provider charges you the minimum fee, they cannot charge you the per page fee.

Can a health care provider charge me for medical records?

  • Generally, a health care provider may charge a person who requests copies of medical records or payment records a reasonable fee for the production of the records. Except as necessary for continuity of care, a health care provider or contractor may require the payment of any fees in advance.

How much can a hospital charge for a patient request form?

  • A hospital may not charge more than $0.65 per page, including any research fees, clerical fees, handling fees or related costs for furnishing or providing access to a health record in response to a patient’s request.
North Carolina General Statutes Ꞑ-411\n\n $0.75 for first 25 pages. $0.50 for pages 26-100. $0.25 for pages over 100. Minimum fee of $10.00 permitted.