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How do I find my hosting account?

Use ICANN Lookup Use the ICANN Lookup tool to find your domain host. Go to lookup.icann.org. In the search field, enter your domain name and click Lookup. In the results page, scroll down to Registrar Information.

How do I remove a user from my hosting account?

  • Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage 4. From the Settings section, click FTP Users 5. Next to the user you want to remove, click Actions , and then select Delete 6. Click OK Web & Classic Hosting Help Guide 28

How do I add a database to my hosting account?

  • In theDatabasessection of the Hosting Control Panel, click the icon corresponding to the database you want to create. Web & Classic Hosting Help Guide 49 5. ClickAdd. 6. Complete the fields.

How do I add FTP users to my hosting account?

  • Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage 4. From the Settings section, click FTP Users 5. Click Add 6. Enter the Username for the new FTP account. 7. Select the Access level for this FTP user. This limits the new user's access to directories in your hosting account.

How do I add a subdomain to my hosting account?

  • Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage 4. From the More menu, select Hosted Domains 5. In the Domain Name column, click the domain name you want to use. 6. Click Add Subdomain 7. Enter a single subdomain or multiple subdomains separated by a comma. 8.
When you purchase a hosting plan, you are renting space on a physical server to store all the website's files and data. Web hosts provide the hosting technology and resources required for the effective and secure operation of your website.